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HomePAA Awards & Benefactors


Grand Benefactors ($50,000+)

Anthony Anagnostakis
John* and Anna Bobolakis
George* and Margo Chryssis
Nick Delis* and Family
Evangelos Diakoumakis
Anna Giannoulias
Nick Kalmer (Kalimerakis)*
John* and Peggy Kokolakis
Costa Maliotis* and the Maliotis Foundation 

Theodore and Rema Manousakis
Demetrios Mazacoufa*

Stephen Paitakis*
George Paterakis*
George Platsis
Stavros and Helene Semanderes
John Sifakis*
Constantine* and Ethel Stamis 

Svourakis/Kakis Family
George Thanopoulos
George Varouh*
Emmanuel and Orsa Velivasakis
Nick* and Nancy Vidalakis and the Vidalakis Foundation 

Nick and Kimi Vlahakis

Great Benefactors ($10,000 - $49,999)

Evangeline Alpogianis
John and Kathryn Bertakis 

James and Mia Boutzoukas 

Contorakes Family
Richard Ferrci and Family 

Emanuel Elliott
Byron Ieronimides*
Hercules and Matena Kalmer* 
Kostas and Georgia Katsohirakis

Katherine Katsounakis 

Klonizos Family
Joseph and Anna Kokolakis 

Constantine Kostakis 

Kounalakis-Baxter Family 

Nondas Lagonakis* 

Constantine Lambrakis*
George and Mary Liviakis

John and Elena Manos

Petro and Despina Maropis and Family

Livia Maroulakis*
Helene Moussouraki-Nakis
George and Maria Savakis
Steffas Family
Trillis Family (Faith Williard; Floyd Trillis;

Alexandra Castro)
Kostas Tsiskakis
George* and Margo Tzitzikas 

Ari Varouh
Ron Varouh
Vavagiakis Brothers
Mary Vasilakis*
Nicholas* and Despina Verikakis

John Vidalakis
George and Malama Volanakis*

Zervos Family

**Benefactors list as of December 2023


Pancretan Awards 

Venizelion Award:

1988–Former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis

2006–Former Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Mitsotakis

2009–Former President of Greece Karolos Papoulias

2013–Former Mayor of Athens Dora Bakoyiannis

2019–Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce (under Jimmy Carter) Andrew Manatos

Kazantzakis Award:

Vassilis Lambropoulos  (date unknown)   (C. P. Cavafy Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies and Comparative Literature. University of Michigan.  His biography shows he received this award in 2006, but our records do not reflect this).

2006–Philanthropist and Business Owner Angelo Tsakopoulos

2013–Author Harry Mark Petrakis 

Constantine Papadakis Visionary Award

2023–Philanthropist and Business Owner Nick Vidalakis

PAA Lifetime Achievement Award

2019–Former PAA General Secretary, Women’s Executive Director and PEF Chair Mary Vasilakis  

2023–Former PAA Strategic Chair Helen Ranney  

2023–Former PAA Treasurer James Saklas  

2023–Former PAA National President Stavros Semanderes  

As of July, 2023