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Early Donors

The creation of the Pancretan Endowment Fund was met with great enthusiasm from chapters within the domain of the Pancretan Association and individual Cretans throughout the United States. Without the infusion of contributions to match that initial excitement over the founding of the PEF, the legacy of the current PEF probably would not have been as certain as it now is. In recognition of these early donors who believed in the mission of the PEF, this page is a tribute to those who took the initiative to support a fledgling endowment fund and give it vital seed money. The result: a fruitful educational venture which has witnessed the rise of academic programs in Crete as well as a warm liaison between the people of Crete and the United States.

Chapter Donations - 1976-1978

Apogonoi tis Kritis

Arkadi-Maleme Chapter

Cretan Association of Akron

Cretan Benefit Association of Cleveland

Cretan Fraternity of Chicago and Suburbs

Cretan Ladies Association

Cretans and Daughter of Crete

Cretans of Conn. E. Venizelos

Daughters of Minos

Denver Youth

Greg Tamis

Knossos Chapter


Labyrinth Chapter

Ladies Chapter "Proodos"

Minos Chapter

Minotavros Youth Chapter

Modetso Chapters: Lefka Orea, Sisterhood Eleftheria and Apogonoi to Kritis

Pseloretes of Sioux City

Rathanamanthus-Ide Chapter

Salt Lake Cretan Juniors

San Francisco Youth Chapter

Venizelos Chapter

Individual Donations - 1976-1978

Afrodite Marcooles

Angelo Petrakos

Anthee Vutetakis

Anthony Angelo

Anthony Bouzis

Anthony Rodis

Anthony Stakis

Antonios Tsikoudakis

Aristedes Tsourounis

Arthur Perakis

Basil Policronis

Bouzis Brothers

Byron Ieronomidis

C. P. Ballas

Calliope Volikakis

Charles Maliotis

Chris Kienakis

Chris Tampson

Chyrsoula Kasotakis

Col. John Georgilas

Costas Kamburakis

Costas Palavis

Costas Stamis

Demetrius Mazacoufa

Dora Avgeri

Dr. Angelo Koulizakis

Dr. Christopher Beatty

Dr. Harvey Karten

Dr. Joan Dobbs

Dr. Paul Stavroulakis

Dr. Theodore Markellos

E. H. Phillas

Earl Sapson

Effie Georgiades

Efstathios Kalisperakis

Elpiniki Peros

Emanuel Pavlakis

Emanuel Tsourounis

Emmanuel Anastasakis

Emmanuel Glynias

Emmanuel Kakos

Emmanuel Tsapakis

Emmanuel Tsikoudakis

Eva Anifantis

George Andrews

George Festos

George Galeros

George H. Terezakis

George Kiskis

George Krasas

George Markomanolakis

George Melonakis

George Paterakis

George Petrakis

George Pologeorgis

George Tzikas

George Vidalakis

Gerrad McCormick

Gus Pallios

Harry Theodorakis

Helen Constantoulakis

Hercules Kalmer

Ieronimos Ieronimidis

Irene Angelo

Ismene Kephalogianis

J. C. Sotos

J. M. Theodore

James Lesko

Jim Pappas

John D. Powers

John Ermidis

John Giannoulis

John Katsourakis

John Mathioudakis

John Perros

John Volakakis

John Zangas

Joseph Lekakis

Kadiani Dabakis

Kalli Rempelakis

Kosmas Andritsakis

Louis Angelo

Manny Giakouminakis

Marco Psihountas

Mark Mamalakis

Mark Manos

Michael Tsourounis

Mike Bantuveris

Mike Ferris

Mike Hatzis

Mike Katsoulis

Mike Ligeros

Mike Manos

Mike Plakorus

Mike Tsontakis

Mike Volanis

Mike Zervos

Mr. Pahoantis

Mrs. Melpa Frangos

Mrs. Pete Callas

Murdick Grillos

Nicholas Kalmer

Nicholas Minadakis

Nicholas Soter

Nick Bantuveris

Nick Dakis

Nick Kalorizikos

Nick Katsikavalakis

Nick Ledas

Nick Mamalakis

Nick Manos

Nick Papadakis

Nick Spinthourakis

Nick Stavarnakis

Nondas Lagonakis

Pete Callas

Pete Dakis

Phil Cavas

Philoptochos Sts. Constantine & Helen, Jackson Heights

Rev. Lukas Kotzakis

Sophie Rodete

Stavros G. Vamvounakis

Stavros Semanderes

Stella Pappas

Steve Kohilakis

Steve Pappas

Tony Kournianos

Vasilios Perakis

Virgina Papadonakis

Chapter Donations - 1978-1980

AKN Detroit
Cretan Association of Miami
Cretan Benefit Association of Cleveland
Cretan Chapter of Akron
Cretan Fraternity White Mountains
Cretan Ladies Society Pasiphae
Cretan Sisterhood Ariadne

Cretans of Conn. E. Venizelos
Cretans of Rhode Island
Icaros Chapter
Ladies Chapter "Proodos"
Minos Chapter
PAA Chapter Epimenides
Therisson Chapter
Volanis-Akrotiri Chapter

Individual Donations - 1978-1980

Ann Bokolinis
Anthe Vutetakis
Aristides Tsourounis
Athena Tsougarakis & Mother Sophia
Ben, George and Steve Pappas
Bill Kambouris
Byron Ieronimides
C. H. Mastrogeorge
Demosthenes Kephalogianis
Frank and Koula Francis
George and Christine Papadakis
George Andrew
George Fronimakis
George Tzikas
George Vidalakis

Helen Sooklaris
John Blazakis
John Maragakis
John Patramanis
Kalliope Pantelakis
Kalliope Valergakis
Maluel Kastrenakes
Manuel Kakos
Manuel Kariotakis
Mary Zeris Mamalakis
Mike Rigas Billy Salevouris
Mike Varouhas
Minos-Crete Chapter
Mr and Mrs. H. Kidonakis

Mrs. Angelo Ladakis
Mrs. Argie Lendaris
Mrs. Argiro Calamarides
Mrs. Malama Volanakis
Mrs. Mary Hatzis
Murdick and Betty Grillos
Nick Delis
Nick Vidalakis
Salvarakis Angela
Stelios Gigourtakis
Stella Mamalakis
Steve Fotis
Ted Stavroulidakis
Urania Gluesing