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Friends of the Universities of Crete is a designation bestowed upon those individuals, PAA chapters, corporations, and others whose financial contribution demonstrates a genuine desire to support these academic institutions. Upon submission of substantiating documents, anyone contributing at least $1,000 to the PEF shall be considered a Friend of the Universities of Crete and shall be recognized in the magazine KPHTH, as well as on this website. In Greece, the president of the Friends of the Universities of Crete is Michalis Karatarakis, a well-known educator in chemistry.

GREAT BENEFACTORS ($20,000 or more)

Anna Giannoulias
Costas and Mary Maliotis Charitable Foundation
Ethel Stamas

BENEFACTORS ($5,000 - $19,000)

George S. Alfieris

George Apostolakis

George Chryssis

Demas Foundation of Chicago
Manuel & Carol Loupassi Foundation

Theodore and Rema Manousakis

Livia Maroulakis

George Nicolozakis

John S. Pappas

Constantine Stamis

Patrick and Lydia Stamis Ryan

Dr. and Mrs. Spyro Theodorakis

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tsolinas

Emanuel Tsourounis

Mr. and Mrs. George Vardakis

Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel E. Velivasakis

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vidalakis

Mary Vasilakis

DONORS ($1,000 - $4,999)

George Angelakis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beladakis

Mr. and Mrs. Harilaos Besbeas

Mr. and Mrs. John Bobolakis

Mr. and Mrs. C. Bovis

Emmanuel Calliyannis

John Cheretis

Cretan Fraternity of Chicago
The Chrysiss Family in memory of George Chryssis

Erotokritos Aretousa Club

George Galeros

Peter Giannacopoulos

Demetrios Halivalakis

Mr. and Mrs. John Hourdakis

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ieronimides

George Karkavatsos

Helen E. Kariotakis

Emmanuel Kariotakis

Steven Kohilakis
Joseph and Anna Kokolakis in memory of John Kokolakis
Diane Kounalakis in memory of Vasiliki and Antonios Kounalakis

Christos Koukouvitakis

Kostantis Lambrakis

Nick Lembidakis

Alexandra and Alyssa Loutsion

Dr. Nicholas Loutsion
Chrissy Mastras in memory of Nicholas Mastras

John G. Manos, AIA

Manousos Manousakis

Peter Marangoudakis

Trifon Motakis

Helene Mousouraki-Nakis

Dr. and Mrs. Petro S. Maropis

Syllogos Creton of NY MINOS

Dr. John Nathenas


Ms. Helen Nicholson

Omalos Chapter of Norfolk, VA

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pallios

George and Olga Panagakis
Pancretan Association of America

George A. Papadantonakis, Ph.D.

Dr. Gregory Papadogeorgakis

Pasiphae Chapter of NY

Dr. Spyros Philippakis

Mr. and Mrs. George Platsis

Stelios Polioudakis

Mr. and Mrs. George Pologeorge

Minas Polychronakis

Michael Prinarakis

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Psillakis

John Sargetis

John Sopasis

Trisevgeni (Jenny) Stamatakis

John Stathopoulos

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stavarakis

Zacharias Stavroulakis (in memory of wife Evangeline)
Tanya Tsouganos

Therisson Chapter of Milwaukee (In memory of Nick Roditakis)

Emmanuel Tsikoudakis

Costas Tsiskakis

Andreas Tsouderos

George Tzitzikas

George Varouh

Emmanuel Velonakis

John Vidalakis

Nick Verikakis

Mr. and Mrs John Volakakis

George Voyiatzakis (Athens)

Dr. Argero and Bill Zafakis

Steven E. Zeimbekakis